Weekly ELSAMARIT Edition - What's In and Out for the Spring Season ๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒบ๐Ÿ’

As we transition into this glorious spring season, it's time to take stock of what is in and what we are leaving behind. From embracing the beauty of nature to making mindful lifestyle choices, here's a quick roundup of what's in and what's out for April:


  1. Leisurely Walks: With spring in full swing, there's no better time to step outside and enjoy the beauty of blooming flowers and fresh greenery. Whether it's a stroll through the park or a hike in the countryside, leisurely walks are the perfect way to soak in the sights and sounds of the season. Even if itโ€™s still snowing where you are, fresh air is always good for the soul!

  2. Dreaming Big: April inspires a sense of renewal and possibility, making it the ideal time to dream big and set new goals. Whether it's planning future adventures or pursuing personal passions, let your imagination soar and embrace the power of dreaming. If youโ€™re following whatโ€™s happening in the cosmosโ€ฆ.wowza! Time to turn inward and give space for whatโ€™s next.

  3. Grilling Season: As the weather warms up, it's time to fire up the grill and enjoy outdoor cooking with family and friends. From sizzling burgers to grilled vegetables, embrace the flavors of the season and make the most of grilling season. I canโ€™t stop with grilling right now, every night at this point!!


  1. Over-Scheduled Days: Say goodbye to hectic schedules and jam-packed calendars. April is all about slowing down and savoring the moment, so give yourself permission to say no to over-scheduled days and prioritize self-care and relaxation.

  2. Excessive Online Time: While technology has its benefits, spending too much time online can leave you feeling drained and disconnected. Take breaks from screens and make time for offline activities that nourish your mind, body, and soul.

  3. Forgetting Sunscreen: With longer days and increased sun exposure, it's essential to protect your skin from harmful UV rays. Don't let forgetting sunscreen be a trend this April or anytime for that matterโ€”make it a priority to apply SPF daily and safeguard your skin against sun damage. Itโ€™s REAL and we need more SPF in our lives!! Donโ€™t forget your hands and arms, not just for the face.

These are my thoughts on spring and the new season ahead!



Elsa Cherner